I feel the guys pain, I was disfellowshipped for 'speaking against the organization' back in 2001 and was fuming mad for a couple of years and delving into fantasies of seeing them exposed on a major scale and crashed a few conventions but in time my anger subsided. I'm still looking forward watching them go belly up before I die,, just more settled down after those first few years.
So I hope he finds some comfort for his efforts to expose the WT frauds. As to whether he is doing any good by creating these scenes that remains to be seen.
Loesch's March JW Broadcast telling the rank and file to trust always the Governing Body, and most of the brothers and not to believe any media stories or anything on the internet that puts the governing Body in a bad light sure must being helping this exbrother's cause and so there may be quite a few JDubs that are ready to start trying to find out what are these negative things that they are not supposed to believe.
I think these KH crashing thing will keep on increasing as many more learn TTATT. I probably will never do it again(?), but wish success of those who do. The JWs as far as I'm concerned can use a little excitement at these brain numbing meeting, and as long as no one gets hurt, I say carry on and 'do what thou wilt'.